Occasional cutting work can already be carried out in January. Winter pruning is particularly appropriate for pome fruit and hard trees. However, this should be done on a frost-free day to avoid splintering the open areas. This would hinder regeneration and damage the wood. Shrubs that bloom in spring can be cut back in spring after blooming.
Protection From Squirrels
But be careful: it is forbidden to cut back trees such as trees, hedges, or shrubs between March and September. They must not be placed on the stick or removed. This measure protects the populations of the birds that nest in your trees and hedges during this time. In addition, there may be squirrels in your trees during that time, raising their young there. We, therefore, recommend pruning the trees in autumn. Maintenance done by experts such Earth Development or topiary pruning is permitted all year round, as is removing sick or infested trees and hedges. Aside from pruning trees in autumn, this is the time of year to help the squirrels find food for the winter.
Care After Pruning
If you find any frayed areas, you should touch them up with a sharp knife to create a smooth cut. To support the tree in healing wounds, closing the open interfaces with tree wax is advisable. This will reduce the risk of invading insects or fungi. Dead fruits and leaves should also be removed when cutting so that the fungi are not exposed to attack.
Mistakes To Avoid
Do not cut your trees in frost; this hinders regeneration and increases the risk of splintering bark.
Pay attention to the correct shape. If the crown of your tree is too wide, it offers a large attack surface for wind and rain. Branches can even break in heavy snowfall.
Lasse larger interfaces are not untreated. You are offering pests too much of an attack surface in doing so.
Always keep your tools clean and sharp. Rust and dirt are very harmful to the internal structures of the tree. So clean and disinfect your tools after each use.
Frayed areas need to be touched up. A smooth surface can recover much faster and better than a frayed one.
Most tree species tolerate radical pruning rather than a little cutting work.
Not every tree needs pruning. Many ornamental trees do not need a cut. It is best to research the respective variety.
Suitable Tools For Pruning Trees
Tools for pruning trees which can be seen on Earth Development for instance have to be one thing above all else: Sharp! A sharp blade cuts much cleaner and leaves a straight-cut surface. This is important for the wound healing of your trees.
You need pruning shears for pruning trees. With this, you can cut branches up to five centimeters in diameter. The effort required is kept low by the long lever. You can also reach tall plants and branches in connection with a ladder. If the trees are in poorly accessible places, cutting giraffes is the right thing for you! Depending on the model, they can be over four meters long! Do you want to cut your hedge? Then you need a hedge trimmer. The blades are longer, which allows a surface cut. This will save you a lot of time.
Tree Pruning With Secateurs
My must-have is the pruning shears. You use this tool to cut smaller branches, to cut offshoots, and to repair uneven cut surfaces. In addition, it is also practical for various other work, apart from pruning trees. Practical spare parts can be purchased online.